Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What we did today

Today the pastor from the UMC picked up Rachael’s health kits. We were able to coble together another making it an even dozen. He was very happy to get the help.

Teresa’s friend Sara Campbell visited the other day with her new baby, Scarlet. Rachael enjoyed the visit.

Slane here thinks nothing is better after a good read than slipping into new PJs and relaxing. He’s been doing great at sleeping all night and he is eating well.

Yesterday I asked Rachael what she wanted for supper, because nothing I mentioned would do.

She said “EGGS!” So I made her and Slane eggs and toast for supper. They tore through supper well I think I might start serving eggs and toast for every meal.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Health Kits for Haiti

Pastor Jim Donnan of Livingston Avenue United Methodist Church mentioned Health Kits to be assembled to be sent to areas torn by disaster and specifically Haiti.

This was a great hands on project Teresa and I enjoyed doing with Rachael.

We were told in time of disaster and civil strife, health kits are a godsend to many people housed in temporary shelters and crowded refuges quarters.

Each health kit contains:
1 hand towel
1 wash cloth
1 comb
1 nail file or nail clipper
1 bar of soap (bath size)
1 toothbrush
6 Band-Aids
$1.00 to purchase toothpaste.
(Toothpaste is purchased in bulk to be added to health kits to ensure that the product does not expire before they are sent.)

This was also a great opportunity to teach Rachael organizational skills and she loved helping us help other people so far away. She wanted to visit someday.


Two weeks ago Teresa had a snow day and she and the kids had fun on their day off.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Snowman Treats

Teresa and I spent the whole weekend working or cleaning so by Sunday evening we were sick of being productive. Teresa decided to make showman treats with Rachael.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Cooking with dad

This is Rachael and I cooking brownies. She really enjoys helping us in the kitchen, but her big challenge is cracking an egg.

Dad helped her see it thought to the end.

Winter Fun (If those two words can be used together)

Christmas 2009