Thursday, January 27, 2011

Swimming in Worthington

Teresa's mom has been staying with us and Thursday they decided to take the kids swimming at the Worthington Community Center.  They even have a lazy river.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Rachael Swimming

Rachael went swimming at the Worthington Community center on Satruday at her friend Connor's birthday party.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Slane's 1st haircut

Slane needed a haircut so I told Teresa I would take him to Niko's Barber Shop, where I get my hair cut.  I actually cleared this with Niko a couple of weeks ago to see if he cut kid's hair and he did.  Teresa said she could take him if I was too busy.   I told her she could...but it just isn't done.  
Niko slapped the booster board across the chair and turned the TV to "How It's Made" to hold his attention.
Slane didn't move or cry at all.  He sat still and did great.  

The 3rd picture where it looks like he is crying is actually a sneeze.

Brought Uncle Ben supper last night

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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Monday January 17, 2011

Monday was fun for everyone.  Nobody had school and many people had the day off.  Teresa and Jenny took the kids sledding and were even on the local news.  Later everyone hit the Village Coney for lunch.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Saturday Slane and I had breakfast at Starbucks.  He is talking more and we can understand what he is saying more and more.  He was asking what different things were and a young, curvy female walked by Slane announced “That’s a woman!”  No one in the room laughed except the woman.  We both congratulated Slane.  I don’t know why everyone else was so uptight. 
Rachael didn’t want to go.

Later we hit storytime at the library, Rachael didn’t have a choice, but to go this time.  It was about monkeys.  That night after Rachael and Slane went to bed we heard Rachael singing the 5 Little Monkeys song.  

Friday, January 14, 2011

Just built the neatest dora house

Just built the neatest dora house

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Train Show

Big times down here in Columbus!  The train show came to town on Saturday and Sunday so we took the kids Saturday. 
We arrived only a few minutes after it opened and the crowds were already growing.  Teresa and Rachael waited in the line to ride the Thomas The Tank Engine ride while Slane and I were at the toy train area. 

The toy train area had what had to be the most durable plastic track ever built and boat loads of cars and engines.  This was nirvana for a 2 year old.  

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Last Week

Teresa took the kids to the library the other day for story time and there weren’t too many others there. They had a good time playing in the toddler play area.

Friday night we all made apple crisp with apples given to us by people over the holidays. The apple crisp is going to a fund raiser at Rachael’s school, St. Marys.

Today we are going to a train show where they have not one, but three Thomas The Tank Engine rides!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Year's Day

New Year’s Day was a great time! We visited the unveiling of the new renovations at The Columbus Museum of Art. The intention was to look around, eat lunch and then go home for the kid’s naps, but Rachael and Slane found the new play / creative area and we were there for over an hour. They enjoyed the modeling clay, magnets and the fort area.

After that we did look around for a bit then hit Derby Court. The museum was nice enough to provide coffee, juice and snacks. Slane was all over the pop corn, he ate nearly 3 bags.