Wednesday, August 24, 2011

1st day of school

Today is Rachael’s 1st day of Kindergarten.  She was a little nervous yesterday, but when she got to school she saw all of her little friends and meshed right in.  She didn’t mind us leaving at all.

School goes from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm so she is actually spending less time at kindergarten per day than she did in pre school. 

She was very excited about the uniform.  The girls are only allowed to wear jumpers, walking shorts or pants this year.

Slane isn’t going to know what to do with himself.  How will he know what toys he wants to play with if he doesn’t see her playing with it first?

Teresa will be picking her up and we are both excited to hear about her day.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

North Market

It was a great at the North Market.  It was raining this morning so we didn’t take the bike.  It was so crowded with cars, the next time I’m going to brave the elements, because we had to park 2 blocks away.  Tons of great vegetables including eggplant, 12 ears of corn and purple peppers.  Who knew they actually had purple peppers. 
This is Rachael and Slane helping me with the corn.

PB & Jazz

Saturday 2 friends and I took our kids to the PB & Jazz concert.  It still shocks me how many people go to something titled “PB & Jazz” and be shocked there are kids there. 
All together we had 5 children there 2-5 and none of them cared about the music, the just ran around playing after we ate.

Slane did want to dance and here he is in the middle of the shot dancing with a girl, about 20, who he chatted up.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Jack's Landing

After Zookids, Teresa took Rachael and Slane to Jack's Landing.  An area of the zoo where they have kiddy rides.

Slane doesn't look too thrilled to be on a couple of these.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Rachael's 5th Birthday!!!!

It’s Rachael’s 5th birthday and this is the first present she opened as soon as she woke up!  We can’t believe she slept so long.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Zoo Kids

It was a big day at Zoo Kids yesterday.  Their animal friend they visited with was a manatee so they had to walk to visit it.

Teresa promised them a pony ride since they were so good the night before.  Slane’s pony was Sox, but Rachael didn’t ask her pony’s name.  Since Rach is older she got the larger pony, but Slane obviously got the talking pony.