Saturday, January 31, 2009


This is Rachael's Hungry Catapiller sock puppet. She loves it. You can't see it too well here, but I'm sure it will soon team up with the frog to battle the witch in her room.


After The Hungry Catapiller story everyone was invited to the activity room to make their own Catapiller sock puppet. There were 3 times as many people there as there were spaces, but everyone was very good about taking turns.


Today was a very special storytime. It was th 40th anniversary of the book The Hungry Catapiller.
This was obviously the toddler social event of the year. It was more packed than the Christmas storytime.

Witche & Frog

Rachael woke up this morning, happy, and announced she slep all night with no witches.
She told us the frog helped get rid of the witch.
I couldn't help myself, I visited her room and checked for a frog. At least frogs are real. The frog obviously had appointments, because he wasn't there.
I'd be happy to buy him a cup of coffee to see how he got rid of the witch. Also how he got into my daughter's room & to warn him he might be shot for that in the future.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Witch

This morning at 2:30 Teresa & I awoke to screaming from both children.
I told Teresa “I’ll get Rachael if you get Slane.” Teresa told me Rachael was downstairs, because she was afraid of something in her room.
I went downstairs and found Rach crying on the couch. She said there was a witch in her room. I explained to her that witches are only in her cartoon and books and are not real. Just like animals can only talk on TV witches aren’t real.
I carried her upstairs and showed her there was no witch. She didn’t believe me, saying the witch wanted to taker her blanket and her Rudolph doll.
In her room I asked where the witch was and she pointed behind the bed. I looked and sure enough no witch.
She insisted the witch was there and I thought I was missing some toy or something so I asked her what the witch looked like. She said “green with a pointed hat.” That’s a witch alright.
She wanted me to stay with her so I did and after a half hour I looked at her and her eyes were wide open.
I explained again there was no witch and daddy needed to get to bed. She said “Take my Rudolf and blanket so the witch doesn’t get them.”
So daddy was leaving her to do battle with the witch alone and she was putting the blanket and Rudolf ahead of her own safety.
The night before it was a frog.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Slane is not sick. Teresa has been trying to catch this big grin of his forever.


Poor Rach started getting sick at midnight lastnight. Dr. Said the stomach flu was going around. She is much better this afternoon.


Here are the 10 gallons of beer Todd & I brewed. Things are going fine.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


This is Slane fighting a bear that broke into the house to attack his mom and sister. If not for him they would've been goners.
I'm very proud.

Beer Making

Normally a clean stove & clean pots would not be blog worthy, but the evening before our friends, Todd & Jody came over for pizza and so I could give a brewing lesson to Todd. We made a batch of Amber Pale Ale and a batch of Dark Coffee.
One of the batches boiled over and the kitchen was a wreck. It took no time to get everything clean again.
I have both batches in their fermentation tanks and the yeast goes in this afternoon.
Each batch is about 5 gallons and will give us 2 cases of beer each, 4 cases in total. It will be ready to bottle within a week and ready to drink 1-2 weeks after that.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Rachael in the Snow

We had about 7 inches of snow where we are and temps down to -12 with much lower wind chills. Rachael came home, saw the snow and couln't help herself so we dressed her in her snow suit and let her have fun. Slane and I were in the house where it was warm.
Silly Girls!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Look what Rachael built with her nesting boxes.

Friday, January 9, 2009

262 E. Hinman

This is the house I'll be holding open this Sunday January 11, 2009 from 1-3.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Ready for bed

This is everyone at the end f a long holiday break.
Having friends over for brunch tomorrow.