Great Father’s Day today!
We rode our bikes to breakfast at First Watch where they offered me a free golf ball. I don’t golf so I suggested they give the next dad 2.
After breakfast a bike ride to
On the way we found a turtle on the bike path.
Great Father’s Day today!
We rode our bikes to breakfast at First Watch where they offered me a free golf ball. I don’t golf so I suggested they give the next dad 2.
After breakfast a bike ride to
On the way we found a turtle on the bike path.
Saturday wasn’t the best weather so Rachael and I took in Cartoon Capers at The Ohio Theatre. These are cartoons people 40 and over grew up with and they are a much different pace than today’s animation for children.
In the first 6 seconds of a Yosemite Sam cartoon one cowboy shoots another for his glass of whiskey. Sam entered soon after firing more bullets than Rambo.
Rachael really didn’t know what to think of Popeye’s eyelids puckering up and whistling later either.
This is NOTHING like she sees in Dora The Explorer
She really liked the pink lemonade at intermission so I think she and dad will go again.
It’s rained so much we take the kids to the parks as much as we can. The Audubon Park it their favorite, but there are more kids at Schiller.
The parks are easy enough to get to, I load the kids in the bike trailer and sometimes we have supper there if Teresa is working late. They don’t actually sit down to eat so much as running over to take a bite of something then running back to the play equipment.
Well our garden is in and I’m finding I still don’t have time to tend it well. I would have made a horrible pioneer.
I probably wouldn’t have even remembered to bring seeds and I’d have to go try to beg seeds off the neighbors. I can hear it now:
“Excuse me Uriah, I seem to have left my seeds back in Philidelphia. Would you have any to spare?”
“You hear that everybody?!?!? Steve doesn’t have any seeds! Tell you what, if you want seeds you can visit my outhouse tomorrow morning.”
And then the prayer hall would erupt with laughter.
They would have written that poem about the pioneers on the next homestead.