Saturday, February 12, 2011

PB & Jazz

Today was PB & Jazz at the Lincoln Theatre.  It wasn’t in the theater, it was in the ball room and they could have used twice the space.  We were happy to see it so well attended.  Tickets were $5 each and the kids each got a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, cookie and juice.  We didn’t even think about the sandwich until near the end and when I went up to the snack counter all they had left were jelly sandwiches.  They were a little stale, but Rachael and Slane ate them as if we don’t feed them ever.   The music was great and Slane danced most of the time.  Rach just wanted to hang out with mom.  A nice guy gave up his seat for Rachael and I’m embarrassed to say I was impressed.

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